Slow Flow

Tempuratures vary: 90-105 and 30-40% humidity depending on the teacher.

Slow Flow is a vinyasa style class that offers a slightly slower pace of movement. Teachers offer detailed instruction regarding alignment while the challenging slow movements and holds offer an opportunity for building strength and stamina.  Hot Slow Flow equally combines balance, strength, and flexibility. This is an all-levels class.

Power Flow

Tempuratures vary 100-115 degrees, 30-40% humidity depending on the teacher.

A dynamic and challenging Vinyasa class, Power Hot Flow incorporates traditional Viinyasa flow elements along with strength drills and opportunities for arm balances. Power Flow is an energetic an upbeat class that flows at a faster pace – breath to movement.  Teachers provide instruction that assists students in creating additional challenge as well as making yoga poses more accessible for all levels.


26&2 Class

Tempuratures vary with instructor however 105 degrees and 40% humidity will be the baselin

The 26 and 2 series, also known as Bikram Method Yoga, is a series of 26 yoga poses and two breathing exercises. Unlike Vinyasa classes which flow poses together, this therapeutic series offers the opportunity to stand still in between poses and create optimal alignment. This series remains the same from class to class and does not utilize props or alternate poses. This class is conducted in the hot room without music. Beginners are welcome. This is an all levels class. We offer a 60 minute and 90 minute class. 


Hot Fusion

Tempurature vary from 106-115 with around 40% humidity

Combining the best of both worlds, Hot Fusion is a set sequence which combines many of the poses you will find in a 26 and 2 class, as well as some Vinyasa flows. This is an upbeat, fun class set to energizing music.  Beginners are welcome. This is an all levels class.

Dynamic Yin

Tempuratures vary from 90-110 degrees with 30-40% humidity depending on the teacher. 

Combining the long holds of a traditional Yin class with active therapeutic techniques, Dynamic Yin is the perfect way to work through tight and stiff areas of the body. Various props are utilized including bolsters, foam rollers, yoga straps, and therapy balls. The instructional style, heat and music vary greatly from teacher to teacher, so take a variety of classes to see which teaching style aligns most with your needs.

Quick n’ Dirty

Tempurature varies around 90-100 degrees with 40% humidity 

Discover your inner strength with our Quick n' Dirty Hot Sculpt Class designed exclusively for people who are ready to shatter boundaries. This is an audacious full-body workout, utilizing a fusion of techniques to challenge, invigorate, and empower. We use weights, props and cardio to achieve a full body workout. Set to a raw and explicit soundtrack, this class invites those bold enough to defy limits. It's crafted for those who love a good, sweaty and empowering workout. This is a fast-paced workout, however we encourage you to go at your own pace and modify as much as needed.  

Each class varies with the teacher, so we recommend you try them all!

Yoga Nidra Class (non-heated)

  • Yoga Nidra, often referred to as "yogic sleep", is a deep relaxation and meditative practice that guides participants into a state of conscious awareness between wakefulness and sleeping. It's a transformative experience that rejuvenates the mind, body, and soul, leading to a profound sense of peace and clarity.

  • Yoga Nidra is for anyone and everyone. Whether you're seeking relief from stress, anxiety, or insomnia, or simply wish to experience a deeper state of relaxation and self-awareness, this class is the gateway to inner tranquility and restorative rest.

  • During the session, you'll be guided through a series of visualization and relaxation techniques, usually while lying down in a comfortable position. The instructor will lead you through various stages, beginning with body scanning and breath awareness, gradually taking you deeper into a relaxed state where the mind remains alert, but the body is fully at rest.

    It's in this unique space, where deep-seated tensions, traumas, and emotions can be confronted and released, leading to healing and rejuvenation. Many participants emerge from a Yoga Nidra session feeling as rested as after a full night's sleep, with the added benefit of mental clarity and emotional release.

Wild Mind Mediation (non-heated)

  • Wild Mind Meditation embraces the untamed, natural state of our minds, inviting participants to experience the vastness and richness of their inner landscapes. Rather than seeking to tame or control the mind, this practice celebrates its inherent wildness, guiding individuals to navigate its ebbs and flows with awareness and compassion.

  • This class is for anyone eager to explore the depths of their consciousness in a non-judgmental and open environment. Whether you're new to meditation or have an established practice, Wild Mind Meditation offers a fresh perspective, encouraging a harmonious relationship with the wandering mind.

  • Upon entering the session, you'll be gently guided into a relaxed state, where the instructor will introduce the concept of the 'wild mind'. Instead of attempting to silence or focus the mind strictly, you'll be encouraged to observe its natural tendencies – the wandering thoughts, fleeting emotions, and vivid imaginations.

    Throughout the meditation, you'll learn to cultivate an attitude of curiosity, acceptance, and kindness towards whatever arises, be it memories, plans, hopes, or fears. By witnessing the mind's wild nature without trying to change it, participants often find a deeper understanding of themselves and a greater sense of inner peace.

    Embrace the wilderness of your mind, and discover the wisdom and insight that lies within its untamed beauty.